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Offshore wind platform prototype gets thumbs up

A hybrid concrete-plastic floating platform and its components have been validated for offshore wind energy use. Winds are a boundless source of energy, growing stronger and more stable the farther away you move from the coast. While this makes offshore sites ideal for setting up wind farms, the deeper waters make such endeavours more technologically…

LIFE projects contribute to Bulgaria anti-poison Action Plan

Bulgaria’s Ministry of Environment and Water recently approved the country’s National Action Plan to combat the illicit use of poisons in the wild. Two LIFE projects helped the Plan come to fruition.  As birds are often the victims of poisoning, it is fitting that the Action Plan was developed by the Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds (BSPB) in close collaboration with the LIFE RE-Vultures and Egyptian Vulture New…

Getting fit to fight cancer

Survival rates for cancer are improving, but it is still the leading cause of death by disease for those over one year of age in the European Union (EU). Could exercise hold one of the keys to combatting cancer?  And if so, how much physical activity is needed to show real benefits in both children and adults?…

New forecasting models could help prevent heat-related deaths

For parts of southern Europe, extreme heatwaves are now the rule, not the exception. New accurate and reliable weather prediction models could help regions better ‘anticipate, prepare for, respond to and recover from’ these increasingly extreme weather events. To paraphrase a popular song from the early 2000s, “it’s getting hot in here”—especially in southern Europe.…

Moths use acoustic decoys to dodge bat attacks

In dark skies around the world there unfolds a nightly battle between bats and the nocturnal insects upon which they feast. You’d have thought bats, equipped as they are with echolocation, in which they navigate using sound, would have no trouble gobbling up the apparently clueless insects you see banging against your windows after dusk.…

Applications open: ERC 2022 Starting Grant

The European Research Council (ERC) announced today via Twitter that the submission platform for the 2022 Starting Grant is now open. Researchers of any nationality and within any field of research can apply if they have: 2-7 years of experience following completion of a PhD a proven, scientific record showing great promise an excellent research…

Promoting high-performance computing innovation in European SMEs

How can we make Europe’s SMEs more competitive? An EU-funded project’s second call for proposals is giving innovative SMEs the opportunity to access technologies related to high-performance computing (HPC). SMEs represent 99 per cent of all businesses in the EU. They provide work for about 100 million people, generate over half of Europe’s gross domestic…

Digital data drives better soil management

When we think about limited resources in agriculture, water is normally the first that springs to mind. The bad news is that just like water, soil is a finite resource that is fast deteriorating as a result of human activity. The good news: research is providing farmers, landowners and policymakers with new tools to turn…

Migratory birds found to be flying much higher than expected

Every autumn, billions of birds leave their breeding areas when the temperature drops and food gets scarce to spend the winter in more favourable climes, returning the following spring when warm weather brings food in abundance. These epic journeys can cover thousands of kilometres, often crossing oceans and deserts where birds cannot stop to rest…

Food production generates more than a third of manmade greenhouse gas emissions—new framework tells us how much comes from crops, countries and regions

Producing enough food for a growing world population is an urgent global challenge. And it’s complicated by the fact that climate change is warming the Earth and making farming harder in many places. Food production is a big contributor to climate change, so it’s critically important to be able to measure greenhouse gas emissions from…